PLACE offers small grants (normally up to £1,000) to members and others who wish to undertake research projects relevant to the objectives of the charity. The conditions are set out below. If you are interested in applying for a grant, get in touch for an informal chat.
PLACE Guidelines for Research Grant Applications
The following guidelines are intended to give a steer to potential applicants for research grants. Each grant application is different and we aim to be as flexible as possible within the constraints of our status as a registered charity.
Applicants should note the following:
- PLACE grants are offered to support PLACE members or others conducting research projects on topics relevant to the people, landscape or cultural environment of the traditional county of Yorkshire.
- Grants are offered normally up to a maximum of £1000, this amount to include VAT (if applicable).
- The research should normally be completed within three years of the award of the grant.
- Expenditure may be on a variety of things, including: travel, photocopying expenses, purchase of equipment or consumables specific to the project, hire of equipment, training costs, stationery, computer peripherals (e.g. memory sticks, print cartridges), materials associated with dissemination of the research.
- In exceptional circumstances, PLACE may fund the cost of accommodation or subsistence but only if these costs are essential to the research and do not fall within the normal living expenses of the applicant. Receipts will be required and a note of why the expenditure merits financial support.
- If equipment purchased with a research grant may be of use to other people after the research project ends, PLACE reserves the right to retain ownership of the equipment.
- PLACE does not fund the time that the applicant or an assistant spends on the research.
- An estimated breakdown of costs must be submitted on the application form.
- Payments will be made only to the applicant and in response to receipts for money paid by the applicant and must be fully documented. If the amount is substantial, payment may be made to the applicant on production of an invoice to the applicant that has not yet been paid.
- The results of the research should normally be disseminated to the general public through PLACE, e.g. in a PLACE occasional paper, in a chapter in a PLACE publication, in a lecture given under the auspices of PLACE.
- The copyright of the research will remain with the applicant, who will be free to publish it in other forms or outlets as well as through PLACE.