Wild Flowers on the Edge: The Story of North Yorkshire’s Road Verges

Author: Margaret Atherden and Nan Sykes

Price: £12.95 incl. P&P

  • ISBN: 978-1-906604-40-0
  • Published: 2012
  • Publisher: PLACE


This book is the result of many years’ detailed fieldwork by the authors on road verges throughout North Yorkshire. To many people the road verge is merely a strip of vegetation marking the boundary between the road and the adjacent landscape. However, verges fulfil many functions, e.g. strips of farmland, conduits for utilities, passage for pedestrians and animals. They are also home to a wide range of plants and animals and form an important network of habitats, linking up woodlands, meadows and wetlands. The book provides background information on the history, uses and management of road verges and discusses their conservation. The bulk of the book is a record of the variety of plants found during the research. Information is arranged in a series of original plates (e.g. ‘Down in the Ditch’, ‘Salt Lovers’, ‘White Umbrellas’) illustrating all the plants and how to identify them. The book is illustrated by very high quality colour photographs throughout.