The Changing Nature of Conservation

Author: Margaret Atherden and Veronica Wallace

Price: £5.00 incl. P&P

  • ISBN: 978-1-906604-69-1
  • Published: 2020
  • Publisher: PLACE


From nature reserves to rewilding, from intensive farming to Extinction Rebellion, the last half-century has seen vast and far-reaching changes in the nature conservation movement in Britain. In this book, eight eminent conservationists give their personal views of the changes in their particular fields over the past fifty years and speculate on possible future trends. The papers are based on presentations given at a conference held in York.

  • Sir John Lawton: Making Space for Nature: past, present and future
  • Rob Stoneman: The Wildlife Trusts – from preservation to dreams of a wilder future
  • Jeremy Purseglove: Nature conservation and flood management: a lifetime’s perspective
  • Tim Thom: Getting to grips with peat: the Yorkshire Peat Partnership ten years on
  • Laurence Rose: Bird conservation: from citizen science to nature citizenship
  • Phil Lyth: Farming with wildlife in a changing world
  • Richard Baker: Alien pest invaders: can anything be done to stop them?
  • Brian Walker: 100 years of growing pains 1919-2019: changing attitudes in the Forestry Commission