Yorkshire Woodlands

Author: Margaret Atherden and Veronica Wallace

Price: £8.00 incl. P&P

  • ISBN: 978-1-96604-62-2
  • Published: 2017
  • Publisher: PLACE


This book, dedicated to the memory of the great woodland historian Oliver Rackham, brings together recent research on woodlands in various parts of Yorkshire. Topics include woodland archaeology, detailed studies of lime trees in Swaledale and Teesdale, signs of former wood pasture on the Pennines, the Yorkshire Arboretum near Castle Howard, and climate change and future forestry plantings. The papers were delivered at a conference held in Ilkley.

  • Melvyn Jones: Walls, Woodbanks and Worked Trees: the Archaeology and Living Archaeology of Former Coppices and Wood Pastures
  • Tim Laurie: Relict Limewoods of the North East Pennine Fringe
  • Tom Lord: Wood Pasture in Upper Ribblesdale
  • John Weir: Forests for the Future: Planting Resilient Woodlands
  • John Grimshaw: The Yorkshire Arboretum
  • Terry O’Connor: A Walk to Mount Calvary and Middleton Woods