The Future of the Uplands: Prospects for Northern England

Author: Margaret Atherden and Veronica Wallace

Price: £7.50 incl. P&P

  • ISBN: 978-1-906604-53-0
  • Published: 2014
  • Publisher: PLACE


Uplands form some of the most valued and iconic landscapes in Yorkshire. This set of scholarly papers, delivered at a conference held in York, discusses the current challenges and future management of some of these landscapes.

  • Rob Stoneman: Catastrophic Climate Change: Peatlands to the Rescue
  • Vince Carter: Slowing the Flow: the Role of Woodland in the Water Agenda
  • Lois Mansfield: Rural Development: Supporting the ‘Third Leg’ for Sustainable Upland Farming
  • John O’Reilly: What are Upland Hay Meadows and how do we conserve them?
  • Blaise Vyner, Richard Fraser and Damien Ronan: Managing the Historic Environment of the Yorkshire Uplands
  • Roger Martlew: Upland Quarries as Past and Future Landscapes