Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness: Fruit, food and wildlife in Yorkshire’s countryside

Author: Margaret Atherden

Price: £2.00 incl. P&P

  • ISBN: 978-1-906604-18-9
  • Published: 2009
  • Publisher: PLACE


Orchards used to be a common and valued part of the Yorkshire countryside, important for both food supplies and wildlife. However, over the past few decades, many orchards have been lost, along with many local varieties of fruit. This booklet, based on papers delivered at a conference in Harrogate, celebrates Yorkshire’s orchard heritage and shows some of the ways orchards are now being appreciated and put to new uses.

  • Barry Potter: Old Orchards, new possibilities
  • Simon Clark: What is it? Where is it? Is it local?
  • Philip Lyth: Orchards for wildlife
  • David Chesmore: Moths in old orchards
  • Pat Wilson: The lost orchards of Nidderdale
  • Laura Mason: Slow Food and the orchard heritage