Global Warming: a Yorkshire Perspective

Author: Margaret Atherden

Price: £3.00 incl. P&P

  • ISBN: 0-9540664-2-1
  • Published: 2003
  • Publisher: PLACE


This book, written by key researchers and based on presentations at a conference held in York, considers the predictions for climate change in the Yorkshire region, how global warming will affect the landscape and its wildlife, and what could be done to address the issues.

  • John Lawton: Climate change, nature conservation, and the northern Yorkshire region
  • Richard Chiverrell: Longer-term perspectives on climate change from the North York Moors
  • Stuart Lane: More floods, less rain? Changing hydrology in a Yorkshire context
  • Anthony Long: Past and future sea-level change in Yorkshire
  • Philip Grime: Climate change: can we predict future impacts on the British flora?
  • Pamela Berry, T.P. Dawson, P.A. Harrison and R.G. Pearson: Climate Change – all change? Modelling habitat and species distributions: a Yorkshire perspective
  • Lance Saxby: Epilogue: the challenge of a warmer York