Challenges and Change in the Urban Environment

Author: Ray Goulder

Price: £9.00 incl. P&P

  • ISBN: 978-1-906604-71-4
  • Published: 2020
  • Publisher: PLACE


Globally c. 55% and in the UK nearly 85% of people live in towns and cities. Urban living has many advantages, e.g. job opportunities, public services, but also brings its challenges, e.g. pollution, poor housing. The papers in this book, delivered at a conference in Leeds, address the backstory and status quo of the urban scene. The four authors focus on different aspects of the urban environment: the impact of increased student populations, lessons to be learned from the Chinese experience, urban planning in the 20th century, and recent changes in the high street.

  • Tony Champion: The rise (and fall?) of studentification
  • Ian G. Cook: Twenty-first century issues and challenges in Chinese urbanisation: similarities and differences to the UK
  • Michael F. Hopkinson: Places for people: the challenge of ekistics
  • David McEvoy: W(h)ither the British high street?