Back from the Edge: the fall and rise of Yorkshire’s wildlife

Author: Margaret Atherden, Ian D. Rotherham and Christine Handley

Price: £7.50 incl. P&P

  • ISBN: 978-1-904098-68-3
  • Published: 2018
  • Publisher: PLACE


Over the pasta few decades, there have been many changes in the Yorkshire countryside, with dramatic effects on semi-natural habitats and their wildlife. The rapidly changing climate adds further challenges for flora and fauna. This book, based on papers delivered at a conference held in Sheffield, focuses on those species and habitats which are recovering and are experiencing a rise after a previous fall in their fortunes.

  • Ian D. Rotherham: Yorkshire’s Forgotten Fenland
  • Melvyn Jones: ‘Woodman spare that tree’: the Rescue of South Yorkshire’s Ancient Woodlands
  • Colin Howes: Dial ‘P’ for Polecat: The return of the Polecat Mustela putorius to Yorkshire.
  • Keith Clarkson: The Changing Face of Breeding Birds in Yorkshire – a brief review 2012.
  • Chris Firth: Sustainability or Bust: the Fall and Rise of the Don’s Fish Population
  • Margaret Atherden: Roadside Assistance: management and conservation of North Yorkshire’s wayside flowers
  • Ian D. Rotherham: The Magic and Mysteries of Eccleshall Woods.
  • Rona Charles: The Cornfield Flowers Project
  • Ian D. Rotherham: Times they are a changing… Looking back to the future of Yorkshire’s wildlife.