Visit to Hackfall Woods

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Our fieldtrip to Hackfall Woods on 17th October was attended by 12 members of PLACE and their friends.  In the morning we were given a guided tour of this fascinating site managed by the Woodland Trust, led by Paul Mosley (accompanied by his enormous dog, Finn!). We visited many of the features, including the Rustic Temple by Fountain Pond, Fisher’s Hall, Mowbray Castle and The Ruin. In the afternoon, we had a fungus foray led by Gordon Simpson, assisted by Malcolm Gallimore. A total of 46 species of fungi were recorded, including the Candlesnuff fungus, Dead Man’s Fingers, Coral spot, Sulphur Tuft and the Fly Agaric.

The ornamental woodland and view across the River Ure

Paul Mosley (and Finn) addressing the group

Gordon Simpson pointing out some of the fungi

Sulphur Tuft fungus growing at the base of a tree

Posted on by Margaret Atherden