Visit to Danelaw Viking Village, Murton, to follow short course on Viking Yorkshire
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We have arranged a free visit to the Danelaw Viking Village, Murton, to follow our recent short course by Robert Wright on Viking Yorkshire. It will take place from 7.00 to 9.00pm on Thursday 13th July. The staff at Murton will show us the reconstructed buildings and explain the re-enactments they present of life in Viking times. Refreshments will be available.
The Viking village is part of the Yorkshire Museum of Farming. To reach the site, take the A166 from York towards Bridlington, then the first turn left along Murton Lane. Pass the farmers’ market and the lorry park and the Museum of Farming is the next site, with its own car park. If you wish to join us, please gather at the entrance just before 7.00pm