Recent publications by PLACE

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PLACE has had several new publications in 2016-17, which may be of interest to a wider audience:

‘Famous Geologists of Yorkshire’, edited by Richard Myerscough and Veronica Wallace.  2016.  Price: £2.50 + £2.00 P & P

‘Yorkshire Woodlands’, edited by Margaret Atherden and Veronica Wallace. 2017.
Price: £5.00 + £2.00 P & P

The PLACE Book of Winter Walks’, by Margaret Atherden. 2016.
Price: £5.00 + £2.00 P & P

‘Approaching the Village’, by Michael Hopkinson. 2016.  Price: £2.50 + £2.00 P & P

‘Yorkshire’s Religious Heritage c.1780 – c.1910’, edited by Peter Hills and Veronica Wallace. 2016. Price: £2.50 + £1.50 P & P

All these publications are available from the PLACE Office. Please makes cheques payable to ‘PLACE’.  A full list of all our publications in print can be found elsewhere on the website.

Posted on by Margaret Atherden