Land Use, Ecology and Conservation in the Lower Derwent Valley
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Land Use, Ecology and Conservation in the Lower Derwent Valley, edited by Tim Milsom.
PLACE 2006. ISBN: 0-9540664-9-9
122pp. 17 colour plates, 35 black/white illustrations.
Price: £10.00 (+ P & P).
This book makes a major contribution to the scientific study of the unique landscape of the Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserve. Chapters are arranged in 3 sections. In the first, Stephen Warburton describes the land use history and Tim Milsom outlines the ecological history of the area. The second secction comprises studies of species and communities: plants (Richard Jefferson), Diptera (Roy Crossley), Coleoptera (Mike Denton and Robert Marsh), breeding birds (Tim Milsom et al), bats (N.P. Moore et al), mammals (Gordon Woodroffe) and the burbot (Colin Howes). The third section looks at the hydrological requirements of grassland plant communities and water management, with chapters by David Gowing, R.N. Humphries and P.R. Benyon, and Liz Chalk and Mark Bentley. Essential reading for anyone interested in the ecology of this fascinating area.