Global Warming: a Yorkshire Perspective

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Global Warming: a Yorkshire perspective, edited by Margaret Atherden.
PLACE 2004. ISBN: 0-9540664-2-1
113pp.  26 black/white illustrations.
Price: £2.50 (+ P & P).

John Lawton’s keynote paper outlines the evidence for climate change and its possible consequences for Yorkshire.  Richard Chiverrell considers the long-term perspective, using evidence from the peat bogs.  Stuart Lane discusses the increasing frequency and magnitude of floods and possible links with land use changes in the uplands.  Antony Long looks at past and future sea level changes.  Philip Grime outlines experiments to assess likely climate impacts on Yorkshire’s flora.  Pamela Berry and colleagues use computer models to predict the probable future impacts on Yorkshire’s flora and fauna.  Lance Saxby discusses the challenge of a warmer York and the need for sustainability.

Posted on by Margaret Atherden