Yorkshire Battles Short Course : Lecture 04
11 May 2022
Location: Bedern Hall, York (& Zoom)
Yorkshire was the site of some of the most infamous battles ever fought on English soil. Join us for an exciting four-part short course presented by Dr Robert Wright.
It will be a hybrid course, with an in-person audience in Bedern Hall, York, and others joining us on zoom.
This four part course will be held on Wednesday evenings at 19:00-21:00 on the following dates:
- April 20th 2022
- April 27th 2022
- May 4th 2022
- May 11th 2022
The cost is £15.00 per person (whether attending in-person or via zoom), payable in advance.
How to pay
Please make cheques payable to PLACE, and send to:
PLACE Office
York St John University
Lord Mayor’s Walk
YO31 7EX
- Sort code: 08 92 99
- Account number: 65143106
It is a business account in the name of PLACE. Please put your surname and ‘course’ as a reference and also email [email protected] to say that you have paid.